"In 1981, the US Department of Energy and the civil engineering company Bechtel Corp assembled a task force to help tackle the problem of how to warn future humans to stay away from radioactive nuclear waste sites thousands of years into the future. [...] An exploration of unusually creative problem-solving, the French director Benjamin Huguet’s film probes how the once-obscure, decades-old ‘ray-cat solution’ has recently found new life." AEON Magazine
The Ray Cat Solution is a 14-minute short documentary film that answers a most pressing issue: How can we create a language that will travel through eternity? The film was distributed globally and acquired by AEON Magazine for its online platform.
Dubbing Mixer BEN HENSOR
Animation director DEBANJAN NANDY
Sound Editor JOHN COHEN
Sound Designer ROB MALONE
Music Composer ANTONIO NARDI
3D Animator MAYA GLICK
Directed, Filmed and Produced by BENJAMIN HUGUET
Astorias d'Or - Deauville Green Awards 2016, Deauville, France
Le Mois du Documentaire 2016, France
The Paris International Environmental Film Festival 2016, France
Imagine Science Film Festival 2016 (NYU Center for Genomics), NYC, USA
The London Short Film Festival 2017, London, UK
The DokuBaku International Film Festival 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
The Innovate Arnhem film festival, Arnhem 2018, The Netherlands
Pariscience 2015 - Festival International du film scientifique, France
Webprogram Film Festival 2016, France
Deauville Green Awards 2016, Deauville, France
Fest'Yves Arts 2015, Bretagne, France
Pelicam International Film Festival, Tulcea, Romania
Eco Cup Environmental Film Festival 2016, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Terra Festival 2016, Guadeloupe, France
Busters Film Festival 2016, Paris, France
Imagine Science Film Festival 2016 at La Paillasse, Paris, France
Inscience - Dutch International Science Film festival 2016, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Innsbruck Nature Film Festival 2016, Innsbruck, Austria
International Uranium Film Festival 2017, Berlin, Germany
Festival de films pour l’environnement 2017, Saint-Casimir de Portneuf, Canada
Cineglobe 2019, Film festival at CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
Bye Bye Future! - A 2020 Exhibition at the Musée Royal de Mariemont, Belgium